Improve Your Health and Gain More Mobility & Flexibility with a Thai Massage
Are you feeling tired and sore from any of the following?
– sitting at your office all day
– not exercising or exercising too much
– not stretching enough
– aging
– recovering from an injury or operation
If the answer is yes, we have the solution for you. You can try one of our services directed for those who like to incorporate yoga into their routine by trying out a traditional Thai massage or do an Assisted Stretching session with us. Both of these promote wellness and vitality by releasing blocked energy within the body and helping it to return to a state of balance, harmony, flexibility, and health.
Benefits Include:
– improves the body’s circulation, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, digestive, immune systems
– improves flexibility, range of movement, postural alignment and balance
– alleviates muscle pain
– maintains muscle tone, prevents muscle atrophy
– reduces emotional and mental stress
– improves oxygen circulation
– assists in recovery from injuries and illnesses
Ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels. Sessions are performed on a mat on the floor with the client wearing loose, comfortable clothing. We offer onsite service to your home, office, or care-facility. Check out our list of services.
Call 778.802.8220
Hours: 11 am – 11 pm
15% Early Bird Discount between 11 am – 3 pm
Our team looks forward to helping you improve your health and wellbeing. Call us for a treatment today.
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